
Our first virtual AHC Knowledge Sharing on “Big Data and Data Analytics for Flood Planning and Mitigation” is taking place on 29th March 2022 at 14:00 – 17:00 hrs. (GMT+8) or 13:00 – 16:00 hrs. (GMT+7), aiming to promote awareness and the use of technology to solve community flood issues.

The workshop includes 3 knowledge sharing sessions:

  1. Prof. Teck Yong Eng (University of Reading, Malaysia) on the topic “Adopting Big Data Analytics in Flood Mitigation”
  2. Dr. Prattana Deeprasertkul (Hydo-Informatics Institute, Thailand) on the topic “HII BI-DSS System: Data Analytics for Flood Planning”
  3. Dr. Rocco Palmitessa (Technical University of Denmark, formally from Joint PhD Graduate Programme with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) on the topic “Leveraging Deep Learning for Improved Flood Predictions”

This is the first out of 5 knowledge sharing activities according to 5 AHC Thematic Areas (TA1: HIC Development, TA2: Big Data and Data Analytics, TA3: Observation Technology, TA4: Modeling, and TA5: Sustainable Water Management) which will be organized every quarter from 2022 to 2023. Please stay tuned!