Climate change is currently a global issue which requires strong collaboration from all over the world. ASEAN, as one of the world regional food resource, also have faced with serious and repetitive water-related disasters from the extreme events such as storms, heavy rain, severe flood and drought, which caused the great losses in the environment, economy, and society.
Aiming to deal with climate change, ASEAN Hydroinformatics Data Centre (AHC) is a data-driven initiation to enrich the significant of Information Technology (IT) tools to integrate data from various sources within the ASEAN region. The centralized information will enhance the accuracy of existing forecasting system which will benefit to all related partners. The project will create a monitoring and modelling system to increase situational awareness for proper decision support. The information derived from this centre will be a data visualization platform in a visual context to provide better preparedness and solution to solve the unprecedented.
AHC also focus on the implementation and dissemination of the outcome by generating actionable learnings and promoting the practical use of IT at the community level to raise community action on disaster awareness and preparedness. This will also contribute to the inspiring UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and ensure a safer forthcoming for ASEAN.